Posted by Sean Doyle, May 11, 2010

Rondo Hat Courtesy of
Pigs are flying! NY Knicks' die-hard devotee Spike Lee is
rooting hard for the hated Celtics to take out the Cleveland Cavs in the Eastern Semis and I can't say I blame him. In fact, I spent half the day looking for anything green and white to wrap around myself in feverish preparation for hollering hard for my (
swallows pride) Celts. You see the logic goes like this....if (Triple) Double R (
Rajon Rondo) and
his three amigos bounce LBJ and his
Schwack Attack from the second round the odds for King James waltzing into MSG's court this fall as a Knickerbocker go up exponentially. You've got to think that
Lebron will be more open to bolting his "hometown" team if, after having the NBA's best record for the second consecutive season, The Cavaliers can't even squirm out of the 2nd round.
I digress. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. The Cavs and Celts are tied up 2-2 in the series, so in essence this becomes
a best of three, and it ain't over until
Big Baby sings. All us Knicks' losers er, fans can do now is wear our Celtic green and shout hard for our (gulp) Beantown heroes.
And while we're (
temporarily) rooting green, how 'bout a big shout out to Rajon Rondo and his sick play this postseason. Particularly his
29 point, 18 rebound, 13 assist, triple double last Sunday.