Posted by Sean Doyle, June 23, 2010

Image Courtesy of SI Vault.
Broadway Joe takes his whiskey to the head (like a man). The Super Bowl III champ whose flashy bravado was pitch perfect for the wild New York sports market did it his way. However, many big names have strolled into the Big Apple over the years and flat wilted under NYC's scorching glare. Which brings us now to the biggest sports star on the planet, LeBron James. The future #6 is but one week away from free agency and the entire sports world has been buzzing over his future locale...
Can LBJ handle the daily grind of playing in professional sports' most demanding environment? The answer is almost certainly yes. James survived the Akron projects and an absentee father to become the greatest high school basketball player ever. He withstood the pressure of playing before his hometown crowd and won two NBA MVP's and led the Cavs to the NBA Finals. He was always a man in a man's body and now he is THE MAN.
Now, does LeBron James even want to ball in New York? Stephen A. Smith thinks the King is warming up to the idea. NYC Bigs are lobbying LBJ from every which way. From Mark Messier to Chris Rock and Donald Trump.
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