Posted by Sean Doyle, July 13, 2010.

He was born on the Fourth of July and died on the morning of the Midsummer Classic. Big George always had a great sense of theatre and uncanny timing.
In 1973, when the Yankees were a fading franchise, a pudgy, largely unknown Ohio-bred shipping magnate named George M. Steinbrenner purchased the team from CBS for $10 Million dollars (Of which, he personally put in around 200 K!) . It turned out to be one of the great purchases in business history.
In his 37 years of ownership, "The Boss" won 11 A.L. Pennants and 7 World Series Championships. He was hated and loved throughout the sporting world.
As a lifelong Yankee fan I must say that I've enjoyed the fruits of George's rabid competitive spirit.
Mike Lupica, NY Daily News: "George Steinbrenner Steals The Headlines One Last Time..."
Megan McArdle, The Atlantic: "George Steinbrenner, Strategic To The Last."
Ian O'Connor, ESPN New York: "The Boss' Legacy Bigger Than The Babe's."
Buster Olney, ESPN Magazine: "Hard Driving Boss Made A Huge Impact."
Christine Brennan, USA Today: "Steinbrenner's Influence Was Gold To US Olympic Efforts."
George Steinbrenner statement from the Clintons
A joint statement from Bill and Hillary Clinton:
The passing of George Steinbrenner marks the end of an era. Baseball has lost a giant, New York has lost a champion, and we have lost a friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Steinbrenner family today and with all the friends, colleagues, and fans who loved The Boss.
George was a fierce competitor who was the perfect fit for the city that never sleeps -- colorful, dynamic and always aiming higher. His Yankees brought home seven World Series championships and provided inspiration and entertainment to people in New York and around the world. He was a generous friend and supporter of the community. And after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, when New York needed it most, George and the Yankees helped lift our battered spirits. He was born on the Fourth of July and loved his country even more than his team.
We were delighted to host George and the team at the White House in 1999 to celebrate one of their many World Series victories, and privileged to call him our friend. The man behind the myth was generous, loyal and always passionate. On that day at the White House, as we walked out on the South Lawn together and the band struck up "Hail to the Chief," Bill playfully reminded George, "Don't get any ideas, it's not for you." But George always had his own song. They say that if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere, and nobody knew that as well as George Steinbrenner. He will be sorely missed.
George Steinbrenner was the head of a group that purchased the New York Yankees in 1973. The team won 11 pennants and seven World Series titles under his ownership. Steinbrenner died Tuesday at age 80 from a heart attack.
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